Can I prevent the confirmation dialog when converting HTML to plain text?

  • Thread starter Jeff Johnson [MVP: VB]
  • Start date

Jeff Johnson [MVP: VB]

Dear Outlook:

I am perfectly aware that when I change the format of a message from HTML to
plain text that I will lose all formatting. I sort of got that impression
from the word "plain" in "plain text." Please stop A) insulting my
intelligence by informing me of this every time and B) acting like removing
formatting is something so earth-shattering that it needs a confirmation
dialog every time I do it.

Seriously, is there any way to turn this off? Perhaps a registry setting? I
get a lot of messages in HTML and when I reply I switch to plain text. I
don't want to ALWAYS reply in plain text, however; messages I get in Rich
Text Format are just fine. I just hate that stupid black bar on the left in
HTML messages, so I always switch to plain text when replying to yahoos who
use HTML.

If it makes any difference, I'm using Outlook 2003 against an Exchange

Sue Mosher [MVP]

AFAIK, no.
Sue Mosher, Outlook MVP
Outlook and Exchange solutions at
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Microsoft Outlook Programming: Jumpstart
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