Thank you very much, that worked.
I am the only one allowed to manipulate the data, others just look and don't
have editing privaleges. I did not start this database (the person who did
does not work here anymore) and there are forms in it for data editting, but
they don't work right. For instance, I want to add that we received 100 new
parts, but what the form for editting parts does is add a new line with all
the same information except for the amount in inventory instead of just
lettimg me adjust the inventory amount. I don't know how to work with forms
and have found that I can work around them alright, so I haven't tried to
make the forms do what I want. Maybe someday I'll get that ambitious.
Thanks very much for your help.
Oh hey! I am importing a query from this database into an Excel file, and
have found that the hyperlink column converts to plain text in the excel
file, would you know a way to keep the hyperlink so that the excel file can
access the same hyperlinks?
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks a bunch.