I know how to hperlink trigger events...
Here is what i need to do... I have a quiz where the teams A, B and C
are given two lifelines each - lets call the lifelines X and Y. The
lifeline record is on a seperate hyperlinked slide to which i can go
to from any slide as and when teams decide to use their lifelines.
I want to show a tick against the life line when used by a team which
i am doing with triggers.
Since i have to close the presentation and shut down the pc and then
continue the quiz the next day i loose the record of lifelines as they
were the previous evening. Any way to save or freeze these triggered
events so that i can continue from my earlier let off (though i close
the prez)?
I belive this can be done with the help of activeX checkbox but the
problem is that the checkboxes are way to small and canot be resized -
so lets not talk about them
What is my workaround (if any)?
Here is what i need to do... I have a quiz where the teams A, B and C
are given two lifelines each - lets call the lifelines X and Y. The
lifeline record is on a seperate hyperlinked slide to which i can go
to from any slide as and when teams decide to use their lifelines.
I want to show a tick against the life line when used by a team which
i am doing with triggers.
Since i have to close the presentation and shut down the pc and then
continue the quiz the next day i loose the record of lifelines as they
were the previous evening. Any way to save or freeze these triggered
events so that i can continue from my earlier let off (though i close
the prez)?
I belive this can be done with the help of activeX checkbox but the
problem is that the checkboxes are way to small and canot be resized -
so lets not talk about them
What is my workaround (if any)?