I've read a few posts on this subject but they are all quite old and I
wondered if the problem had been sorted out. I've built an XPe with MUI for
Italian and French as well as English. Some users will change to using
French as a default language and I would like the default keyboard to follow
this change - is this possible? I've installed the 2007 feature pack with
no improvement - this also applies to the haphazzard nature of the program
menus - some remain in English and some are in French.
wondered if the problem had been sorted out. I've built an XPe with MUI for
Italian and French as well as English. Some users will change to using
French as a default language and I would like the default keyboard to follow
this change - is this possible? I've installed the 2007 feature pack with
no improvement - this also applies to the haphazzard nature of the program
menus - some remain in English and some are in French.