Thanks for answering my post. I just finished the course on Microsoft
Access 2003 and I now need to work with it to reinforce what I've
learned. Our office at work is losing it's connection of Medi-soft
because the hospital that we are affliated with is closing it's
service. From what I am aware of in Access, I thought it might be an
answer, however I need guidance in doing it. Do you know where I
could find this guidance or who I should contact?
If you are taking up db design from scratch, you need to ask yourself
some serious questions. If you screw up, are real patients going to get
sick or die? Are they going to be bankrupted by being sent the wrong
bill? Are the doctors going to get sued because they are sent the wrong
medical details?
I am writing from the UK where the legislative environment is somewhat
different from the USA(?). Googling for "HIPAA" would seem to be a good
start; you do need to know that you are capable of staying within the
Finally, with a load of software available off-the-shelf, are you really
sure that the huge amount of your time (learning, designing, coding,
scrapping it and starting all over again, DC al coda) will really be
cheaper than buying in something that works, where another company will
take all the risk, which is guaranteed to be legal, etc etc?
Sorry if this sounds like a dampener. I am all for people taking up and
learning about db design, and Access is a great model to learn on (and to
produce on, for that matter). But I also feel that some situations are a
bit too serious to start on. Nobody learns to drive in an ambulance with
a sick child in the back; you use a bashed-up old Fiat, so that when you
crash and burn it's not quite such a disaster.
All the best
Tim F