The old motherboard is dead.
I want to send it back to my reseller for RMA so I can get a new
However these bios chips are very hard to get your hands on.
Resellers of bios chip don't sell individual chips, they only do
bussiness with big buyers who buy many many many of these chips.
So my question is:
Can I keep the old bios chip, just in case my new one dies ?
Also I still don't know how much these chips cost because nobody
answered my questions ?! (I e-mailed them, they evaded my questions,
are they really stupid !)
I will contact my reseller if I can keep the bios chip.
I will contact asus as well to ask if I can keep the bios chip.
Maybe that's overkill but I am gonna try because I like the it.
I expect they will say: NO.
I can understand that, but not really too smart, especially if these
cheap chips...
However a YES would be much cooler and smarted ! =D
The old motherboard is dead.
I want to send it back to my reseller for RMA so I can get a new
However these bios chips are very hard to get your hands on.
Resellers of bios chip don't sell individual chips, they only do
bussiness with big buyers who buy many many many of these chips.
So my question is:
Can I keep the old bios chip, just in case my new one dies ?
Also I still don't know how much these chips cost because nobody
answered my questions ?! (I e-mailed them, they evaded my questions,
are they really stupid !)
I will contact my reseller if I can keep the bios chip.
I will contact asus as well to ask if I can keep the bios chip.
Maybe that's overkill but I am gonna try because I like the it.
I expect they will say: NO.
I can understand that, but not really too smart, especially if these
cheap chips...
However a YES would be much cooler and smarted ! =D
