can i insert a picture with a if statement

  • Thread starter Thread starter nivek05
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I have 2 pictures but only want to display one dependant on what infomation
is in cell a1 is this possible using a IF statement??

I have 3 pictures but only want to display one dependant on what infomation
is in cell a1 is this possible using a IF statement??

nivek0 wrote:

can i insert a picture with a if statement

I have 2 pictures but only want to display one dependant on what infomatio
is in cell a1 is this possible using a IF statement??

Previous Posts In This Thread:

can i insert a picture with a if statement
I have 2 pictures but only want to display one dependant on what infomatio
is in cell a1 is this possible using a IF statement??

Not with a formula.
Not with a formula

See John McGimpsey's site for a method using a Data Validation dropdown t
select an item which inserts a picture

Gord Dibben MS Excel MV

EggHeadCafe - Software Developer Portal of Choice
Forms Auth: Membership, Roles and Profile with no Providers and no Session
One way (event macro - free) $B!D(B # based on Excel 2003

1. on the Sheet2,
2. Select the cell A1 , Press Alt > i > p > f, and select the picture-1.
3. Adjust the cell A1 size to fit the picture-1.
4. Still selecting the cell A1 condition, press Alt > o > c > w > Enter, select B1:D1, Alt > e > r.
5. Select the cell B1 , Press Alt > i > p > f, and select the picture-2.
6. If needed, adjust the picture-2 size to fit the cell B1.
7. Select the cell C1 , Press Alt > i > p > f, and select the picture-3.
8. If needed, adjust the picture-3 size to fit the cell C1.
9. Select again the cell A1, press Alt > i > n > d, type the name "pic_01", and then click Add > OK.
10. Select again the cell B1, press Alt > i > n > d, type the name "pic_02", and then click Add > OK.
11. Select again the cell C1, press Alt > i > n > d, type the name "pic_03", and then click Add > OK.
12. Select the cell D1, press Alt > i > n > d, type the name "pic_04", and then click Add > OK.
13. Select again the cell A1, press Alt > e > c.
14. move to the Sheet1,
15. Select the cell what you want to display the picture, *hold down Shift key* and press Alt > e > n.
16. Change the formula "=Sheet2!$A$1" displayed on the formula bar to "=pic_00" and Enter.
17. Press Alt > i > n > d, type the name "pic_00" In the Apply names box,
18. In the "Refers to" box, type or paste following formula
and then click Add > OK.
19. Now, try to input 1, 2, 3 or others in the cell A1.

How can this be done in Excel 2007?

MRT wrote:

One way (event macro - free) $B!

One way (event macro - free) $B!D(B # based on Excel 200

1. on the Sheet2
2. Select the cell A1 , Press Alt > i > p > f, and select the picture-1
3. Adjust the cell A1 size to fit the picture-1
4. Still selecting the cell A1 condition, press Alt > o > c > w > Enter, select B1:D1, Alt > e > r
5. Select the cell B1 , Press Alt > i > p > f, and select the picture-2
6. If needed, adjust the picture-2 size to fit the cell B1
7. Select the cell C1 , Press Alt > i > p > f, and select the picture-3
8. If needed, adjust the picture-3 size to fit the cell C1
9. Select again the cell A1, press Alt > i > n > d, type the name "pic_01", and then click Add > OK
10. Select again the cell B1, press Alt > i > n > d, type the name "pic_02", and then click Add > OK
11. Select again the cell C1, press Alt > i > n > d, type the name "pic_03", and then click Add > OK
12. Select the cell D1, press Alt > i > n > d, type the name "pic_04", and then click Add > OK
13. Select again the cell A1, press Alt > e > c
14. move to the Sheet1
15. Select the cell what you want to display the picture, *hold down Shift key* and press Alt > e > n
16. Change the formula "=Sheet2!$A$1" displayed on the formula bar to "=pic_00" and Enter
17. Press Alt > i > n > d, type the name "pic_00" In the Apply names box
18. In the "Refers to" box, type or paste following formul
and then click Add > OK
19. Now, try to input 1, 2, 3 or others in the cell A1


Previous Posts In This Thread:

can i insert a picture with a if statement
I have 2 pictures but only want to display one dependant on what infomatio
is in cell a1 is this possible using a IF statement??

Not with a formula.
Not with a formula

See John McGimpsey's site for a method using a Data Validation dropdown t
select an item which inserts a picture

Gord Dibben MS Excel MV

Insert pictures

I have 3 pictures but only want to display one dependant on what infomation
is in cell a1 is this possible using a IF statement??

One way (event macro - free) $B!
One way (event macro - free) $B!D(B # based on Excel 200

1. on the Sheet2
2. Select the cell A1 , Press Alt > i > p > f, and select the picture-1
3. Adjust the cell A1 size to fit the picture-1
4. Still selecting the cell A1 condition, press Alt > o > c > w > Enter, select B1:D1, Alt > e > r
5. Select the cell B1 , Press Alt > i > p > f, and select the picture-2
6. If needed, adjust the picture-2 size to fit the cell B1
7. Select the cell C1 , Press Alt > i > p > f, and select the picture-3
8. If needed, adjust the picture-3 size to fit the cell C1
9. Select again the cell A1, press Alt > i > n > d, type the name "pic_01", and then click Add > OK
10. Select again the cell B1, press Alt > i > n > d, type the name "pic_02", and then click Add > OK
11. Select again the cell C1, press Alt > i > n > d, type the name "pic_03", and then click Add > OK
12. Select the cell D1, press Alt > i > n > d, type the name "pic_04", and then click Add > OK
13. Select again the cell A1, press Alt > e > c
14. move to the Sheet1
15. Select the cell what you want to display the picture, *hold down Shift key* and press Alt > e > n
16. Change the formula "=Sheet2!$A$1" displayed on the formula bar to "=pic_00" and Enter
17. Press Alt > i > n > d, type the name "pic_00" In the Apply names box
18. In the "Refers to" box, type or paste following formul
and then click Add > OK
19. Now, try to input 1, 2, 3 or others in the cell A1


Submitted via EggHeadCafe - Software Developer Portal of Choice
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Excel 2003 I love you!!!
My company is changing to Excel 2007!!! ITS SHIT! Well I cant use it....
I have produced alot of documents over the years in 2003 with no problems but when i come to use 2007 it messes things up... I try to fix and cant find the bloody things! Its a real pain in the ass! Why have they changed!! Money making probably!
Anyway, sorry, I want to use 2007 to change a picture if the cell number changes i.e. 1 = Smiley face 2 = Unhappy face. I can do this in 2003 no problem. but when i try to do in 2007 its driving me crazy!
2003 = I press Alt > e > c. Then move to where i want and hold down shift and press Alt > e > n.
2007 = When I come to do the Alt > e > n. the n is not of the menu!!! PLEASE HELP!
I understand this is some sort of special copy? I have tried to special paste but its not having any of it!
Hope it makes sence

Richard Roberts wrote:

Excel 2007

How can this be done in Excel 2007?

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Submitted via EggHeadCafe - Software Developer Portal of Choice
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Hi Richard,

1. on the Sheet2,
2. Select the cell A1 , insert picture-1.
3. Adjust the cell A1 size to fit the picture-1.
4. Adjust the cell B1 to D1 size same as the cell A1.
5. Insert the picture-2 & 3 into the cell B1 & C1 in the same way.
6. If needed, adjust the picture-2 & 3 size to fit the cell B1 & C1.
7. Select again the cell A1, define the name as "pic_01".
< a name by using the Create Name dialog
8. Select again the cell B1, define the name as "pic_02" in the same way.
9. Select again the cell C1, define the name as "pic_03" in the same way.
10. Select the cell D1, define the name as "pic_04".
11. Select again the cell A1, and copy.
12. move to the Sheet1,
13. Select the cell that you want to display the picture, paste picture as link.
14. Change the formula "=Sheet2!$A$1" displayed on the formula bar to "=pic_00" and Enter.
15. Define the name as "pic_00" In the Apply names box,
< a name by using the Create Name dialog
16. and in the "Refers to" box, type or paste following formula
17. Now, try to input 1, 2, 3 or others in the cell A1 in Sheet1.

Hello MRT,

Thank you for you instructions. Unfortunatley I'm not getting the picture, but a zero instead (so as if the cell was empty). Any advise?

