Can I host an IIS on the same SUS?


Ihab Abedrabbo

For some reason, my company wants to host our internal
website accessibile anonymously only from the intranet, on
the same server where SUS has been installed. I noticed
though that during the installation of SUS, the setup
process removes the default IIS Admin, IIS Help and other
virtual directories and secure the SUS server by denying
the execute permission and write permission to protect the
contents of the web server (the SUS).

My question is:
Can I host my local internal website accessible
anonymously from my intranet on the same SUS server? My
internal website would be another virtual directory. What
risks am I facing if the answer is YES?

Thank you.


The answer is yes and I do not think there is any risk to
doing this. Make sure you are using SP1 for SUS as it
works better with ohter WEB sites on the same box.

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