What version of Word are you using.
If you have 2003, try the following:
Edit, Find, ensure the "Find what:" is empty.
Tick the "Highlight all items found in" check box.
Click the More button, Style, slect the Style you want to find.
Find All.
Close Find Dialog. Copy and then paste the selection where you want it.
Prior to 2003 not all version have this option.
For 2007 go to Home tab, Editing Group.
Hope this works for you.
Turns out this was a stubborn misunderstanding on my part. Beth Melton had
to hit me on the head several times before she got it across to me that
"Find in" in Word 2007 works the same as "Highlight all items found" in Word
2003. The fact that it works without your having to click a button (as in
Word 2003, where the Find button became Find All) was what threw me off.
This is a great tip -- and does exactly what I need to do; thanks! I have a
follow-up question. Is there a way to add this to a macro (in Word 2003)?
I've tried recording it numerous times, but it's getting hung up on the "Find
All" command. Any suggestions would be appreciated.