Can I encrypt or hide my html code?

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Is there any way to hide my html so that when someone clicks view source they
can't copy my html and use my stuff?
Do not put the HTML on the web.
For the browser to render the HTML so that people can see your pages,
it must be downloaded to their machines, and they can do what they
wish with it.
Nope. And who would want to? With something like 645 BILLION web pages out
there, what makes you think that yours is so much better than anyone elses
that anyone would want to use it?
I want to, that's who. Someone has already been using is the point! They are
using it on ebay. I custom ordered and bought my webset and I don't expect
people to use it. I did not come on here to ask questions for you to be rude
to me, a simple answer would suffice!
Google for: "encrypt html code" and you'll come up with many hits. Take
your pick.

BTW, there are many free *decryptors* also available. I use 'em to bust the
html encryption codes that people use. Works every time ;-)
Hi heathermpe,

It really cannot be Ron mentioned the HTML must be there in order
to be read. If you feel that the data is very important, then you could
consider putting it in a password protected area..or you could learn how to
use server side coding like asp, php, or others. Hiding direct HTML though
will not work.


Microsoft MVP FrontPage

FrontPage Portal and Users Forums:
heathermpe said:
I want to, that's who. Someone has already been using is the point! They are
using it on ebay. I custom ordered and bought my webset and I don't expect
people to use it. I did not come on here to ask questions for you to be rude
to me, a simple answer would suffice!

You mean you paid for a custom template and you have seen another site using

Could we have your url? We should be able to tell you if it really is custom
or not.

Consider the seller .. they may sell the 'custom' template over and over

If someone has taken your template you and the vendor are entitled to follow
this up but first establish beyond doubt the vendor is true to their word
it's a custom template.


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and not all 'custom' templates are exclusive...that cost even more.

| | > I want to, that's who. Someone has already been using is the point! They
| are
| > using it on ebay. I custom ordered and bought my webset and I don't
| > people to use it. I did not come on here to ask questions for you to be
| rude
| > to me, a simple answer would suffice!
| >
| You mean you paid for a custom template and you have seen another site
| it?
| Could we have your url? We should be able to tell you if it really is
| or not.
| Consider the seller .. they may sell the 'custom' template over and over
| again.
| If someone has taken your template you and the vendor are entitled to
| this up but first establish beyond doubt the vendor is true to their word
| it's a custom template.
| Tina
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And how do you know that he stole YOUR code, and not the generic code from
whoever sold the "custom" template? Or that the code is not commonly
available at thousands of other sites?

And I gave you a simple answer - it was NO

I know that there is a program out there to do what you want because I have
seen it. It has been a while and I do not remember where it was. I did find
this though.

Now I have bought other programs from these guys, but not this one.

It says that it can reformat your page to remove a lot code and still be
able to function.

I would recommend maybe that you call before purchasing and talked to them
about what you are trying to achieve.

Hope this helps
Michael Wayne
It says that it can reformat your page to remove a lot code and still be
able to function.

It's not likely. What it does is to remove white space (or HTML comments)
from the existing code. That makes the page hard to read and impossible to
troubleshoot once you've done it.

Such actions are much to wasteful of effort to be of any value in my
Murray said:
That makes the page hard to read and impossible to troubleshoot once you've
done it.

I believe that is what heather is looking for. Something that is hard to
read and imposible to trouble shoot For The One Who Is Looking At Her Code.

As for as trouble shooting, she has the source code and you do not apply
this to the soucre code.

Michael Wayne
As for as trouble shooting, she has the source code and you do not apply
this to the soucre code.

Uhh - well, yes, you do. That's the thing. It becomes as difficult for the
operator as it is for the visitor.

Why someone would go to these lengths is beyond me....
Well let me try and act like an MVP here.
I now know why there is so much criticism towards MVP's on these forums.
Murray wrote
Uhh - well, yes, you do. That's the thing. It becomes as difficult for
the operator as it is for the visitor.

You do not have to alter source code, period. Only the published code needs
to be modified. If it is your interlectual content that you are trying to
protect, why is it so difficult. It is difficult because it is Your opinion.
That is Not what Your answer should be. They are looking for an option, not
a personal opinion.

Why someone would go to these lengths is beyond me....

Offering advise on substance is what an MVP should be contributing at these
forums, but these self expressions of personal opinions is very
unprofessional and very rude.

Michael Wayne
Hi Michael,

This was Heather's original question:

"Is there any way to hide my html so that when someone clicks view source
can't copy my html and use my stuff?"

While the program you mentioned will remove all white does not
do what she asked.

This situation is nearly identical to those people asking about no-right
clicks to prevent images from being taken. That is a false sense of security
for anyone that uses them thinking it will stop them. The same situation
holds true here. There are three ways that I can think of that will "sort
of" hide HTML in view source:

1. enter a lot of empty space at the top of the page..and people may think
it is hidden when they do a view source. Scrolling down though will show it
very well.

2. Encrypt can also be decrypted just as easily.

3. Do as you suggested by removing white space...a simple copy and paste
however will still grab that.

People have offered opinions with reasoning including facts as to why
Heather shouldn't bother..but nobody has been able to give her an answer
directly to her original question for one very good can't be done
successfully with just using HTML.


Microsoft MVP FrontPage

FrontPage Portal and Users Forums:
In fairness, perhaps I was too exhuberant in my replies here, but which is
really the correct answer to that post -

1. No - you cannot do that.
2. Yes you can do that this way.

The former answer stops further search (or it should). The latter answer
enables it, and could result in the OP going away with a secure feeling,
only to discover later that it was based on a faulty suggestion.

And after all, this forum is all about trying to help people with the
aggregate experience of all participants. I think we do that pretty

I have found that software that I refered to earlier but could not remember
where it was . I have not tried it out, but the reviews are good.

Here is a review from MSDN Magazine -
Protect Your HTML Source Code

AntsSoft has released HTMLProtector 2.0, a Web site protection program that
encrypts your HTML source code and protects your site from unauthorized
copying, spam robots, and Web site rippers. If your Web page contains unique
or proprietary information, protecting that intellectual property may be of
primary importance.

HTMLProtector protects everything in your Web pages, including HTML source
code, script, text, and images, and prevents others from viewing or using
your source code. It can also stop spam robots from extracting e-mail
addresses from your pages and prevent users from using offline downloaders
to download your entire site to their hard drive. HTMLProtector offers two
JavaScript-based encryption methods to choose from, as well as a variety of
other little tweaks to disable right-click, text selection, and page
printing. You can also password-protect your pages and insert copyright


You can find this product here

Hope this helps

Michael Wayne

What the others are trying to tell you is .. any program or anyone that
tells you they can provide you with protection is giving you false
information even if they believe it to be true at the time they gave it.
Trust the more experienced members when they tell you it cannot be done, it
cannot, there is away around all the 'protection' ideas.

If you give us your url we can do a little more investigation and determine
if your custom template is indeed unique. If it is or it isn't there are
still lots of options open for redress for you.

It's the correct thing to do to protect those that don't know the
consequences of an answer to give fuller and wider information,. not just
give an answer willy nilly, with no thought as to how it's going to affect
you down the line, we have your best interests at heart or we would not do
what we do. That's the right way to answer a question, if your a mom you
will know exactly what I mean:)

Can we help you further with the template being stolen issue?

regards Tina

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Like why would anyone WANT to "steal code" anyway?

Those programs prey on a false sense of security, and the fact that most new
web builders have not a clue about how common their precious "code" is. When
none of the big boys, like Microsoft, Best Buy, Amazon, and thousands of
other major companies that have professionaly written web pages and don't
bother to hide the source code, that should tell you something.