joel406 said:
Hello Peter, Sorry to hear you lost your disk. The same happend to me
some 10 years ago and I have been making backup copies and keeping them
under lock and key ever since.
Technicaly no. You can not just go to a link on the web and download a
copy of Vista(that I know of). But there are avenues avalible where you
First contact Microsoft and see what they say. Maybe you could tell
them the truth and give them your product key and (for a small fee) they
may(or may not) send you a replacement copy.
Microsoft will tell hime that they cannot support OEM licenses and
refer him to the manufacturer of his computer.
If they tell you no, well...your only other option may elevate you to
the level of Pirate in the eyes of some of the fine people here at the
Vista forums.
Why? All he need do is contact his computer's manufacturer.
But on the other hand you do have a legitimate product key. Which is
really what matters. The disk is just the software, the key is the
True. But not at all the point.
If Microsoft refuses to replace your disk, even after being blatently
Microsoft is under no obligation to, and is contractually prohibited
from, supporting OEM licenses. Why is this so hard for you to grasp.
Send me a private message and I will point you in a safe
This may ruffle some feathers here, but as long as you have a legal
license I can keep you out of the torrents. And show you a clean
download. Others here already know about it.
And I'd bet you've got a bridge to sell him, as well. Why should he
trust you when decline to point him to an easy, fully legitimate
solution, and instead offer to help him illicitly? I certainly wouldn't
trust you, having read your post.
Bruce Chambers
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They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary
safety deserve neither liberty nor safety. ~Benjamin Franklin
Many people would rather die than think; in fact, most do. ~Bertrand Russell
The philosopher has never killed any priests, whereas the priest has
killed a great many philosophers.
~ Denis Diderot