Ok, I can list all currently available System restore Points and I can define how much space is
reserved for SRPs. But can I delete one particular SRP e.g. number 23 ?
Or at least delete the oldest 7 out of 14 available SRPs ?
If yes: how?
I fail to understand the fascination some people have with system
restore. Sometimes the less we know, the more we tend to tinker with
something that is probably working just fine. The whole concept of
restore points seems to have been well thought out and works just fine
if you leave it alone and let it do it's thing.
You could learn where and how restore points are stored and delete one
or several by just removing files, but why would you want to do
If you use Google to search for: windows xp system restore points
You can spend half a day reading about restore points, experimenting,
possibly even breaking your system beyond recovery.
I encourage you to read and understand the process, then use your
knowledge and the tools to set up your system to protect yourself.
There are configuration options. You may be running without the
protection of restore points right now and not even know it, or maybe
they are all failing. I would check into it after you read about it.
Speaking for myself, I would be most amused if you come back some day
and said you manually tried to work around the built in restore point
features, suddenly now your system is broken and now you desperately
need help.