Can I delete blank rows from excel without selecting them?

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I exported data from a Crystal Report into Excel. During the export process
extra fields and and columns were added to the data set. I would like to
delete the blank rows that were inserted between every record from my

Is there a way to delete extra rows from a spreadsheet without selecting
each row? For example, could I run a script to delete rows with null values
or space?

The easiest way is to select all the cells and then sort, which puts blanks (depends on what you
mean by NULL values) to the bottom. Of course, if you sort, that would change the order, so
sometimes a macro like this might be better, which will delete any row where column A is truly

Sub DeleteRowsBasedOnBlankCellsInColumnA()
On Error Resume Next
End Sub

MS Excel MVP
Select a column where you can be SURE that a blank cell means you want to
delete that row. Select the whole column, do edit / Go to / Special /
blanks, then hit edit / delete / entire row

Ken....................... Microsoft MVP - Excel
Sys Spec - Win XP Pro / XL 97/00/02/03

It's easier to beg forgiveness than ask permission :-)
Where are these "do edit /Go to / special" commands? Are they entered in
macro or is this from a pull down menu. Can you be more specific?
I don't know what the date of your post has to do with anything. However,
Office 2007 is definitely germaine because it has a completely different
user interface than previous verions. In 2007, do the following:

Home>Editing>Find & Select>Go to Special...>Blanks
Home>Cells>Delete Sheet Rows

In the future, specify that you have 2007 right at the start, so the answers
can be tailored to your situation.

I have a similar problem with an import into Excel2007. 45,000+ rows
populating just col A & B and I wish to delete only rows where both col A and
col B are blank. I tried modifying the sub below to the range "A:B" but
deletes everything. Can someone help?
First, you're far better off to start a new thread for problems like this.
Attaching your message to a thread that's over two months old significantly
limits the help you might get. Most people don't look at threads this old.

Second, if this is a one-time requirement, I would use the Data Filter.
Select all the blank rows in Column A, then the blank rows in Column B. Now
you have only the rows where both A and B are blank. Now delete them.

One way would be to use data>filter>autofilter>filter both on blanks. I just
recorded this. Clean it up to remove selections

Sub Macro1()
' Macro1 Macro


ActiveSheet.Range("$A$1:$B$8").AutoFilter Field:=1, Criteria1:="="
ActiveSheet.Range("$A$1:$B$8").AutoFilter Field:=2, Criteria1:="="
End Sub