Yes, with several drawbacks;
1- page file size would be large.
2- any hyperlinks would have to be hotspots
3- would be a pita if you want to edit text
generally kinda inflexible.
| Kevin,
| I would like the majority of the text in my web site to look like it is in
| the book I mentioned. So I would have many pages accessed from a Table of
| Contents. Can this be done in Photoshop and the text edited as needed?
| Thanks
| "Kevin Spencer" wrote:
| > No, but you can create an image that looks like a book page, using
| > or another Image editing tool, and use that in a web page.
| >
| > --
| > HTH,
| >
| > Kevin Spencer
| > Microsoft MVP
| > ..Net Developer
| > You can lead a fish to a bicycle,
| > but you can't make it stink.
| >
| > | > > When you look at the page of a book, the text is not perfectly lined
up as
| > > on
| > > a computer screen. This is because the book page is three
| > >
| > > Can I create this effect in Front Page?
| >
| >
| >