I recently had to solve this same problem with a change to some data used for
the charts. In my case, i had to chart This Year vs Last Year data, pulling
sub-totals out of a large block of cells
My VBA solution involved:
creating a string of addresses of the required cells,
copying the range,
pasting them into a contiguous range on a hidden sheet,
adding this range as a Named Range,
and assigning this named range to the Values property for the
seriescollection on the chart
You should be able to just step through and create your series string,
stepping by 5
As i cannot find my code, here is some pseudo-code from my notes:
Dim wkRange as worksheet
Dim wkOrig as worksheet
Set wkRange = worksheets("InvisibleRangeSheet")
Set wkOrig = worksheets("originalSheet")
With Range
For i = 1 to cells(rows.count, "A").End(xlup).row Step 5
strSeries = strSeries & ", " & .cells(i,1).address
Next i
.names.add name:="RangeName" refersTo:=.range(.cells(row,col).address &
":" & .cells(row+wkOrig.range(strSeries).count -1,col).address)
ActiveChart.seriescollection(1).values = "='" & .name & "'!" & "RangeName"
End With