I could well be missing something here (It is getting late), but I'm pretty
sure it will do exactly what you want. Just to clarify though:-
You have for example on sheet 2 in cells
B1 - =SUM(B2:B1000)
C1 - =SUM(C2:C1000)
D1 - =SUM(D2

and the data in the ranges above are coming from other formulas puling from
sheet 3.
What you need to do is end up on sheet 1 with the following:-
B1 - =Sheet2!B1
B2 - =Sheet2!C1
B3 - =Sheet2!D1
B4 - =Sheet2!E1
so doing as I suggested and on sheet 1 in say D10, put =Sheet2!B1 and copy
across the row and you will end up with
D10 - =Sheet2!B1
E10 - =Sheet2!C1
F10 - =Sheet2!D1
G10 - =Sheet2!E1
Then do the edit / replace bit so you get
D10 - %%Sheet2!B1
E10 - %%Sheet2!C1
F10 - %%Sheet2!D1
G10 - %%Sheet2!E1
Copy and paste special transpose to say cell B1 on sheet 1 and you end up
B1 - %%Sheet2!B1
B2 - %%Sheet2!C1
B3 - %%Sheet2!D1
B4 - %%Sheet2!E1
Then edit / replace again to give you what you finally wanted
B1 - =Sheet2!B1
B2 - =Sheet2!C1
B3 - =Sheet2!D1
B4 - =Sheet2!E1
then delete the data in D10:xx10
As data is updated on sheet 3 it will in turn update your sums on sheet 2
and the formulas on sheet1 will pull the sums from sheet2.
Ken....................... Microsoft MVP - Excel
Sys Spec - Win XP Pro / XL 97/00/02/03
It's easier to beg forgiveness than ask permission

Dennis Harrelson said:
Thanks, Ken.
That looks like it will work, but I guess I understated the problem. The
values in the original row which I need to copy to 'sheet2'columnA are the
sums of their respective columns, which are in turn carried from yet a third
sheet. So I need to have 'sheet1'columnA='sheet2'row1, which will vary
depending on input on 'sheet3'. As an added complication, the values
on'sheet3' are not directly inputed, but derived from formulae on that
Thanks again,