Can I compile a whole project under command prompt?

  • Thread starter Thread starter wangyang
  • Start date Start date


You know,I can compile a .vb file,such
as "vbc /t:library /out:fibonacci_vb.dll fibonacci.vb".
But can I compile a whole project under command prompt?
it is possible to tell VS to build a project from the command line
devenv /?

to get help.
Using VSN 7.1, I can build a solution using a batch file
invoking devenv.. However I run into problems when I have
C++ projects in my solution... The contents of my batch
file are this:

set devenv="C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio .NET
call "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio .NET
cd <directory>
%devenv% MySolution.sln /rebuild Debug

In a clean source tree, if I run the batch file, it doesn't
work.. But if I open the solution and build in the VSN IDE,
then rerun the batch file, the build works... The
difference in the two builds is that in a clean source
tree, the batch file doesn't copy all of the necessary
assemblies into the Debug folder, it misses one in my case.
But if everything has already been built ala the VSN IDE,
then running the batch file correctly copies ALL of the
assemblies into the directory. Why does this happen?

Another thing to note is this.. If I delete the Debug
folder after a successful build in the IDE, then the batch
file will fail until I build the solution from the IDE.

