Can I change the appearance

  • Thread starter Thread starter James Diefenderfer
  • Start date Start date

James Diefenderfer

I hate the way Outlook XP looks. Can I change the
appearance to look like Outlook 2000 ?


In general no you can not change the appearance of Outlook. However,
which feature in Outlook were you wanting to change? Items like the folder
list, preview pane, and Outlook bar can all be made to disappear. IF you
were wanting to change the look and feel of Outlook all together, I'm sorry
but there is no functionality like that built in. However, in Outlook 2003
WIndows XP themes do effect the appearance of Outlook. Look for more
information on thsi when Outlook 2003 hits the streets later this year.

Best Regards,

Ryan M. Keith, BSCSE, MCSE
Microsoft Enterprise Messaging Support
Client Server Infrastructure


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