Can I change more than one control's properties at the same time?

  • Thread starter Thread starter Mike Chan
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Mike Chan

Can I use some loop to change a series of control's properties at same time?

for example. I have textbox1, textbox2, textbox3, ...

If I want textbox1.text = "1", textbox2.text="2", textbox3.text="3"......

Can I use some loop method to do this?
Hi Mike,
Can I use some loop to change a series of control's properties at same time?
for example. I have textbox1, textbox2, textbox3, ...
If I want textbox1.text = "1", textbox2.text="2", textbox3.text="3"......
Can I use some loop method to do this?

If it is for a windowform where the controls are direct on the page you can
use this
(Watch typos I type it here but it is very simple so I do not expect them)

For each ctr as control in me.controls
if typeof ctr Is Textbox then
ctr.text =
end if

This goes because text is a proporty from controls.
If you did want to change the " lines", than you have to write
directcast(ctr,textbox).lines = ctr. etc etc

I hope this helps?

Use following:

Dim obj As Object

Dim i As Integer

For Each obj In Me.Controls

For i = 1 To 3

If = "textbox" & i Then

obj.text = i

End If



* "Mike Chan said:
Can I use some loop to change a series of control's properties at same time?

for example. I have textbox1, textbox2, textbox3, ...

If I want textbox1.text = "1", textbox2.text="2", textbox3.text="3"......

Can I use some loop method to do this?

Quick and dirty:

Dim t() As TextBox = {TextBox1, TextBox2, ...}
Dim i As Integer
For i = 0 to t.Length - 1
t(i).Text = (i + 1).ToString()
Next i
Hi Herfried,

Are you using this one now also?

Dim t() As TextBox = {TextBox1, TextBox2, ...}
Dim i As Integer
For i = 0 to t.Length - 1
t(i).Text = (i + 1).ToString()
Next i

Is nice is it not?

I was in doubt which one I would supply.


* "Cor said:
Are you using this one now also?

Dim t() As TextBox = {TextBox1, TextBox2, ...}
Dim i As Integer
For i = 0 to t.Length - 1
t(i).Text = (i + 1).ToString()
Next i

Is nice is it not?

I was in doubt which one I would supply.

Sorry, I don't understand what you want to tell me.
Hi Herfried,

In past you where only using the for each loop.

This one came from a message an OP supplied, where we first thought it would
not work but after some investigation it did (Armin and I have been very
busy with it).

I thought you where a little bit sceptic about it, but now I see you are
advising it.

Hi Herfried,

Before you misunderstand it.

As the OP supplied it, it did not work, it was the investigation that did
make it work.

* "Cor said:
In past you where only using the for each loop.

I am a fan of 'For...Each' loops, I don't know why I didn't use a
'For...Each' loop in this "snippet".
Hi Herfried,

Look at the one I did use this time, that is the one you have always used.

I did wanted to be cooperative this time and used yours and now you took my
newest sample.

That is all, however I am glad, because now I know that new one is a good


I normally use a loop (For Each) over an array as Herfried showed.

If I need to loop more than once, I will make the array of controls a class
level variable, initializing the array in the constructor (after the call to
InitializeComponent). If I need to loop a single time then I will create the
array inline in that routine (for example the Load event).

Hope this helps

* "Cor said:
Look at the one I did use this time, that is the one you have always used.

I did wanted to be cooperative this time and used yours and now you took my
newest sample.

I didn't see your question when writing my reply. I would prefer
'For...Each' too when using your approach (enumerating the controls).
I normally use a loop (For Each) over an array as Herfried showed.
That really should read "I normally use a loop (For Each) with an array,
like Herfried showed":

Reading it just now it sounded like I had a "better" method then Herfried,
where actually I'm am doing exactly what Herfried showed...

* "Jay B. Harlow said:
That really should read "I normally use a loop (For Each) with an array,
like Herfried showed":

Reading it just now it sounded like I had a "better" method then Herfried,
where actually I'm am doing exactly what Herfried showed...
