Right but the same goes for overloaded methods... you're no longer
the parameter, so what would it default to? In VIsual Basic, for example,
you can specify the default value as part of the method signature. As
it would be displayed in intellisense. That's something which is
with overloading -- because the defaulting is hidden away in code that's
visible without manual documentation.
Not quite. Because overloaded methods don't take those parameters, they
simply don't matter and aren't necessarily even used. When it comes to
overloads functionality definition is all that matters. I don't think the
same applies with defaults, as the actual *value* of a default is passed to
the method.
express constraints. A method with 4 parameters, of which any three can be
provided or where all 4 can be provided or only 2 can, or whatever just
doesn't work. <<
I agree here, sometimes parameters aren't just optional they're mutually
exclusive, in combinations that are impossible to represent with optional
parameters. However this is an obvious candidate for overloading... but
doesn't mean we shouldn't have optional parameters for all other
they easily complement one another.
I don't agree they easily compliment eachother. I would say the usage of
optional parameters is pretty constrained to *one* type of usage, but is
generally abused to bend them into another type. At the least, if a change
in the implementation of a optional method changes to where different
parameter combinations requires different logic, you can't easily change the
interface. With overloaded methods you don't have to change anything, as
long as that predefined pair exists already.
This goes against versioning.
null and then assign a property a generic value based on that null(ya
new MyObject()). <<
Yeah of course, I don't think anyone would advocate that, another good
reason to have optional parameters, rather than letting people try to
synthesize a half-baked optional parameter implementation themselves.
I don't know, some might. No optional means people write overloads or write
bad interfaces that look bad(I do think optional is one major failing of vb,
and a significant cause of the problems with VB libraries, the interfaces
are terrible but they dont' look that way to vb devs).
You should also probably absolutly avoid using optional parameters in
interfaces, abstract or virtual methods when you can't be absolutely
*CERTAIN* that no inheriter will ever have any interest in performing
anything but basic mapping. An optional parameter in an interface severely
constrains the actual possible implementation logic or force the bad designs
I've discussed. Its not a very good idea.
value takes away one possible state...able to differentiate between a
default value x and the literal value y that happens to be equal to x may
relevent <<
Yeah, this can and has been solved in Visual Basic, where you have the
IsMissing keyword that indicates whether or not a parmeter was actually
specified. eg. if (isMissing(price)) price = 23;
I did some checking, IsMissing is *not* supported in VB.NET, as the CLS
doesn't directly support optional parameters. Default values are simply
metadata applied to a method, each language is responsible for loading those
values *directly* into client code, the runtime is entirely uninvolved.
unreadable. <<
VBA actually has some nice optional parameter syntax, it allows you to
specify the name of the parameter(s) in the method call, eg. MyMethod(
category:=CitrusFruit, price:=1.45, weight:=6 );
C# could quite easily adopt this syntax, and allow it for non-optional
paramaterized methods also.
It could, but I think its ugly syntax as well. It doesn't solve anything and
it has the additional downside of hiding the fact that the method actually
takes 15 parameters.
I also worry that such syntax promotes writting bad method interfaces(as
I've expressed before). Instead of writing an overload, people would prefer
to modify the signature of the one method and simply have one huge method so
they never have to change client code. This is another major issue.
don't version well. You have to recompile client code whenever the
values change as they are inserted into calling code directly. <<
I think the above method of specifying optional parameters would version
quite well, so long as a parameter names didn't change. In fact it would
probably version better than a regular method (because parameter
to parameter signature binding is explicit).
It doesn't solve the fact that client code has optionals baked in. That
there is no way to differentiate between a default parameter value and the
same value passed in(without significant changes to the runtime).
Don't forget the CLS. To support optional parameters to the extent you want
would either require adding support to the CLS(and every language) or
removing it totally(as it stands its optional) as every langauge would have
to support the new calling semantics involved to allow making calls with
no-value support(some form of special stack value would have to be used to
specify no value was passed, vs default value or a given value).
The results aren't pleasent for a feature that has limited usage, IMHO. As
I've shown, they are only of value in methods that won't be overloaded and
potentially constructors...what are the real values, outside of simply
making things easier in those rather rare situations where you can be sure
it'll never break anything?