Can I automate the launch of a macro using the result of a formula


Charlie Betz

I have developed a game in Excel. Successful completion causes a formula to
return 'True'. I want this result to launch a macro. As background the macro
will transport the player to another sheet.

Any advice will be very much appreciated


Use the worksheet_change event

Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
Set MyCell = Range("A1") 'your formula in A1
If not intersect (Target, MyCell) is nothing then 'ignore unless
MyCell changes
If MyCell.Value = 2 then 'value from formula
call myMacro
End if
End if

End Sub

You find this event when you double click the sheet name in the visual
basic editor and choose Worksheet from the dropdown.

Don Guillett

Right click sheet tab>view code>paste this. Now if you change cell e1 to 2
you goto sheet 9

Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
'correct word wrap if necessary
If Target.Address = "$E$1" And Target = 2 Then Sheets("sheet9").Select

End Sub

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