can i add to text to a memo field using a macro?

  • Thread starter Thread starter steve goodrich
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steve goodrich

Is it possible to add text to a memo field using a command button that runs
a macro?
I need to enter the same few lines of text each time I open a new record,
but the text varies so a default value is no good.
I would like to have say a choice of 6 command buttons that when clicked
will enter the text in the memo field
Is this possible without using code - not got that far up the learning curve
many thanks
Steve Goodrich
Me.MyMemoField = "This is some text I want to put in the memo field."

If you want to append to what's already there, you'd use:

Me.MyMemoField = Me.MyMemoField & _
" This is some text I want to add at the end of the memo field."

If you want to prepend, you'd use:

Me.MyMemoField = "This is some text I want to add at the front of the memo
field. " & _

If you want a blank line between what what's already there and what you
append, you'd use"

Me.MyMemoField = Me.MyMemoField & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & _
"This is some text I want to add at the end of the memo field."
Thanks for the reply Douglas.
Where exactly would I enter the text you suggested?
Do I open a new macro, and if so what action do I use?
many thanks
I never use macros: I always use VBA. I'd put that as code in the Click
event of the command button.

I suppose it might be possible to do it using a macro that you associated
with the Click event.