can i access remote desktop of windows 2000 server with pocket PC



can i be posible that i access windows 2000 server with pocket pc.
Dell Axim X30 is good to acess and should i have to install
remote desktop software on it or it would be pre-installed on it.

ur guidance will be higly appreciated.


Sooner Al

If the W2K server is running Terminal Services you can access it using the built-in PocketPC
Terminal Services Client. Here is some general guidance for the PocketPC end.

If the X30 does not have the TSC built-in you can try this version from MS...

If the server is behind a firewall/NAT/router then TCP Port 3389 must be open...

Post additional questions concerning the PocketPC to the microsoft.public.pocketpc news group.

Al Jarvi (MS-MVP Windows Networking)

Please post *ALL* questions and replies to the news group for the mutual benefit of all of us...
The MS-MVP Program -
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