I am having difficulties duplicating two of the graphs/charts in Microsoft
Access 2003 that were created in Minitab. The "Chart of Month, Number" and
the "Chart of Age, Region". They are both "stocked column" graph available in
Access but not easy to make.
The database tracks quality issues from medicines around the world made by
the Company in different counties. I have 24 fields for the main table
(Issues2) in my Access Database and the fields relevant to the graph are:
1. ID
2. Date Of Notification: date management was notified of issue
3. Date Issue Observed: date issue was first observed (not really used in
4. Date Closed: date issue was closed
5. Current Status: status of issue--Open, Closed, New
6. Region: USA/Canada, Asia/Pacific, EU/Africa/Middle East, Latin America
7. Age: number of days open since Date of Notification--
*****"Chart of Age, Region"*****Its Age (x-axis) vs. Count-by Region
(Y-axis), Legend: Region
Fields that would be needed: 2, 4, 5, 6, 7 above How would I make the "Chart
of Age, Region". I am having a issue making the X-axis be in ranges (Closed,
*****"Chart of Month, Number"*****Its Month/Year (x-axis) vs.
Count--investigations open/new/closed (Y-axis), Legend=status--open/new/closed
Fields that would be needed: 2, 4, 5 above How would I make the "Chart of
Month, Number" given that when an issue is "open", its "open" month/year is
from the Date of Notification month/year. It is open until a date is entered
in the "Date Closed" field and the status switches to "Closed". An "open"
issue is reported in each month on the chart until it is "closed". In the
month that it is "closed" it is only counted as "closed" and not "open" (this
is obvious). Once an issue is "closed" it is no longer reported as "closed"
in the following months (so for example an issue "closed" in Mar 2007, will
not be counted as "closed" in April 2007 or any month after April, it is just
reported closed in one Month: Mar 2007).
Is it possible to make these graphs within Microsoft Access 2003? Thanks for
any help you can provide.
Access 2003 that were created in Minitab. The "Chart of Month, Number" and
the "Chart of Age, Region". They are both "stocked column" graph available in
Access but not easy to make.
The database tracks quality issues from medicines around the world made by
the Company in different counties. I have 24 fields for the main table
(Issues2) in my Access Database and the fields relevant to the graph are:
1. ID
2. Date Of Notification: date management was notified of issue
3. Date Issue Observed: date issue was first observed (not really used in
4. Date Closed: date issue was closed
5. Current Status: status of issue--Open, Closed, New
6. Region: USA/Canada, Asia/Pacific, EU/Africa/Middle East, Latin America
7. Age: number of days open since Date of Notification--
*****"Chart of Age, Region"*****Its Age (x-axis) vs. Count-by Region
(Y-axis), Legend: Region
Fields that would be needed: 2, 4, 5, 6, 7 above How would I make the "Chart
of Age, Region". I am having a issue making the X-axis be in ranges (Closed,
by Age and the Count would be number of issues by Region.60 days, 30-60 days, <30 days). How would I change the axis to group issues
*****"Chart of Month, Number"*****Its Month/Year (x-axis) vs.
Count--investigations open/new/closed (Y-axis), Legend=status--open/new/closed
Fields that would be needed: 2, 4, 5 above How would I make the "Chart of
Month, Number" given that when an issue is "open", its "open" month/year is
from the Date of Notification month/year. It is open until a date is entered
in the "Date Closed" field and the status switches to "Closed". An "open"
issue is reported in each month on the chart until it is "closed". In the
month that it is "closed" it is only counted as "closed" and not "open" (this
is obvious). Once an issue is "closed" it is no longer reported as "closed"
in the following months (so for example an issue "closed" in Mar 2007, will
not be counted as "closed" in April 2007 or any month after April, it is just
reported closed in one Month: Mar 2007).
Is it possible to make these graphs within Microsoft Access 2003? Thanks for
any help you can provide.