Can get new version of move maker by update

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I show an older verion of Movie Maker in Program files, 1. something.

I tried to update my win xp to get the new version and MS system says I'm
already updated to service pack 2 so I can't get to the new version. How do I
get past this catch 22?

Open Movie Maker itself and then go to Help > About... and get the version
number. Report back on your results.

XP SP2 is the only source of Movie Maker 2 and it should have been installed
with the upgrade. It is not available as a separate download.
I just checked. In the SP2 full downloaded update look in the \i386 folder
for moviemk.ex_ file and see if you can expand it to the appropriate folder.
And expand any other moviemk.xx_ files you find.
I would like to try this but I don't have the sp2 download files. Is there
a link where I can download sp2 without MS system telling me I'm already

It is not wise to download because it will take forever and even with a fastest ISP.
Would you like their FREE SP2 CD?

I would like to try this but I don't have the sp2 download files. Is there
a link where I can download sp2 without MS system telling me I'm already

I downloaded it. But thanks

It is not wise to download because it will take forever and even with a fastest ISP.
Would you like their FREE SP2 CD?

I would like to try this but I don't have the sp2 download files. Is there
a link where I can download sp2 without MS system telling me I'm already

After downlaoding I first tried reinstalling the whole sp2 update. Result
was that it failed to install Movie Maker 2.0. I searched my hard disk to
verify that there was not a new version installed somwhere. The one on
\program files is definately still old with 2002 date on the files and
"About" says it is version 1.

I looked in the unzipped archive and foundthe new moviemk.ex_
I tried copy it over the old version completing the .exe extentions. This
did not work. There are dll in the old move dir but no corresponding dll
names in the sp2 files. There is a file called moviemk.ch_ in the sp2 but I
don't know what the extension is suppose to be. What are the files that make
up the new ver 2 movie maker?

What the hell didn't the update install them in the first place and why do I
have to be Sherlock Homes to install this windows program?; and it makes me
wonder what else sp2 update is not installing that I don't know about. There
were no error message durning the update and I had exited all runing
preograms and processes.
You don't just copy the *.ex_ files to the new place and rename them - you
must extract/expand them from the old place to the new place.
Jerry said:
You don't just copy the *.ex_ files to the new place and rename them - you
must extract/expand them from the old place to the new place.

And you perhaps thought I would just know what command to use to extract the
files? You overestimate me. I some unzip and unpack utilites I've used for
decades but they do not work. So go ahead; tell me the secret of extracting
these particular type of files from this type of archive.

I searched google and managed to find the info on how to expand files, then
got MM installed. Now, a new wrinkle.

Windows media player runs the clips I have on hand, but when I tried to pull
them into Movie Maker it said it could not find the right codex or it was not
installed. So I turned on "Download codex automatically" as indicated by
error message and restarted Movie Maker. Same error message appeared; Move
Maker can't find the codex that are installed and being used by Windows Media


