Can excel take content from another cell and add information either side??

  • Thread starter Thread starter garysumpter
  • Start date Start date


Hi all,

If you can help me out you will save me literally weeks / months of

Basically I am creating a products reviews website and the largest
wholesaler of this market area has given me an excel spreadsheet of
around 6,000 products, along with html description and product code.

They have also given me (seperately) a directory of images.

The images are named PRODUCTCODE-FULL.jpg (the same product code as is
in the spreadsheet).

I will be importing the whole file into my websites database and I
REALLY need to get a column into the spreadsheet for images.

So, the spreadsheet currently has three colums

A - Product Code
B - Product Name
C - Product HTML description

IDEALLY, what I need is to have column D which somehow adds at the front, then pulls in the content
of cell A in that row, then adds -FULL.jpg directly after. This would
obviously create a url of the image.

Is this at all possible?

Thanks very much

garysumpter said:
Hi all,

If you can help me out you will save me literally weeks / months o

Basically I am creating a products reviews website and the larges
wholesaler of this market area has given me an excel spreadsheet o
around 6,000 products, along with html description and product code.

They have also given me (seperately) a directory of images.

The images are named PRODUCTCODE-FULL.jpg (the same product code as i
in the spreadsheet).

I will be importing the whole file into my websites database and
REALLY need to get a column into the spreadsheet for images.

So, the spreadsheet currently has three colums

A - Product Code
B - Product Name
C - Product HTML description

IDEALLY, what I need is to have column D which somehow add at the front, then pulls in the conten
of cell A in that row, then adds -FULL.jpg directly after. This woul
obviously create a url of the image.

Is this at all possible?

Thanks very much


Hi Gary

In Cell D? try this =""&A?&"-Full.jpg"

where ? needs to be changed to the relevant row numbe

You can do this using a separate column and the & sign.

In column E type in the formula:


I used 123 for the Product Code in column A.

This results in:

You can then drag that down for all product codes. If you want t
create actual links, copy column E and use Paste Special - Values i
column D. This creates text that when you double click on it i
changes to a link. There may be an easier way to change all the value
at once in column D but I am not sure.

If you are not creating links and just need the value to appear i
column D, just type the formula in column D and drag down.

Hopefully this helps.
