elbalazo > said:
I have a client who is having their customer's emails sent to a data
file residing on his server. Is there a way to make Excel download this
file at intervals from the server? Is there a helper utility out there
that does this?
What kind or server? File server? Web server? If a file server, it'd be a
LOT simpler to Windows Scheduler to copy the file. Create a shortcut that
runs a console command like
%COMSPEC% /c copy X:\Y\Z\foo.file C:\downloads
Launch Windows Explorer, open the Scheduled Tasks folder, double click on
the Add Scheduled Task entry, then enter this shortcut as the program to
run, and specify how frequently to run it.
This is MUCH easier and likely more robust than anything you could do with
Excel to perform the same task.
If the file is on a web server, same idea but you'd need to use either an
ftp script or something like a wget command.