Hello JTK.
The following was recently posted by: Simon Zerafa
MS not making these updates for WD seperately downloadable for manual
installation is a pain IMHO.
If you are installing or updating WD on a PC which is offline, (perhaps due
to spyware infection), then not being able to go online means you cannot
update WD to the latest database version.
Removing some spyware does also damage your Internet connection so the
ability to be able to update offline is a must when you are engaged in
cleaning a PC of spyware (which I do regularly as part of my business).
I tend to favour tools and utilities which do allow for offline updating and
downloading their updates manually as it makes my like easier.
Not everyone has a high speed Internet connection so having your tools on a
CD with the updates ready to install is a godsend.
The updates for MSAS were available for download and later installation when
offline so I hope this is something that is carried across to WD in later
Beta's and the Final Build.
Anyway there is a work-around for now; go to your
%SYSTEMROOT%\SoftwareDistribution folder and locate the file for the WD
update as it is downloading in Windows Upadate and copy it elsewhere when the
download is complete.
Extract the contents of the .EXE with your favourite unpacker (I used
WinRAR) and a .MSP file will be inside. Mine was called MPAS-FE.MSP and 3.11
MBytes in size.
Running the .MSP file appears to update the installed copy of WD to the
latest definitions.
It may also be possible to apply the .MSP to your base install of WD to
create a single installer which contains the updates as perhaps an
Administrative Install Point.
Kind Regards
Simon Zerafa
Simon's PC Services
Haverfordwest, Wales, UK
Good luck