Can CVS data be converted to Access?

  • Thread starter Thread starter Jerry
  • Start date Start date


I need to import a cvs db in to my Access 2003. Can that be done? Do I need
any special conversion program to do this?


Access has a TransferText method that will import almost any kind of text,
including csv files.

One of the features of the TransferText method is the ability to define an
import specification. That allows you to define field names, data types,
and other properties of the data you want to import.

To set up a specification, you have to go through the import one time
manually (File, Get External Data, Import). Once you have selected the file
type and the file, you will get the Import dialog box with an button that
says Advanced. Clicking that button will present the dialog that allows you
to define the import parameters. When you have done that , click on Save As
and give the spec a name.

Then you use that name in the TransferText method. Look in up in VBA Help
for the details.

Use File | Get External Data | (then either import or link ... do you really
need the data in Access or would it be enough to be connected to it?).

You should be presented with options re: which type of data...


Jeff Boyce
Microsoft Office/Access MVP