Try plotting two lines in a XY-chart:
Each line should consist of 2 (X,Y) points. The X values of both lines
should be set 0 and 5. The Y values should be calculated from other cells as:
Y=S1*X+K1 and Y=S2*X+K2. Where S1 and S2 are the slopes and K1 and K2 are
the interceptions. Set S1=1, S2=2, K1=0.001 and K2=0.001. Plot the lines in a
XY-Chart. The next step is important: Set the X-Axes scaled from 0 to 0.1 and
the Y-axes scaled from 0 to 0.1.
The BUG:
Now try changing S1 to S1=4. It is clear that something is wrong.The lines
should have different slope but they have the same!!
Go back, set S1=1. Try to chage the X value of 5 to something else, eg.
100.. whoaa.. strange result. There should have been no change in the chart,
but suddently the chart shows a plot, where both slopes are same but not
equal to what S1 and S2 where in the beginning!
Can anyone help me to sort out the problem? I where trying to plot something
with a small zoom on, but the result where WRONG!
Is this a real bug? Does anyone get the same error?
I've left an example on the net:
Each line should consist of 2 (X,Y) points. The X values of both lines
should be set 0 and 5. The Y values should be calculated from other cells as:
Y=S1*X+K1 and Y=S2*X+K2. Where S1 and S2 are the slopes and K1 and K2 are
the interceptions. Set S1=1, S2=2, K1=0.001 and K2=0.001. Plot the lines in a
XY-Chart. The next step is important: Set the X-Axes scaled from 0 to 0.1 and
the Y-axes scaled from 0 to 0.1.
The BUG:
Now try changing S1 to S1=4. It is clear that something is wrong.The lines
should have different slope but they have the same!!
Go back, set S1=1. Try to chage the X value of 5 to something else, eg.
100.. whoaa.. strange result. There should have been no change in the chart,
but suddently the chart shows a plot, where both slopes are same but not
equal to what S1 and S2 where in the beginning!
Can anyone help me to sort out the problem? I where trying to plot something
with a small zoom on, but the result where WRONG!
Is this a real bug? Does anyone get the same error?
I've left an example on the net: