Can anyone recommend a website provider? - Geocities RIP!

Any Comparible UK ISP Recommendations please

Ian Cunningham said:
Google offer free webpage hosting, but it's not as customisable as GeoCities is:

If you want to be able to re-upload the same site to a new host you'd need to pick a free host from the following list:

Many ISPs also offer free webspace, so it would be worth checking to see if your host offers any :)

Hi Ian

This is great but are there any comparable UK ISPs, hosts etc. please? My ISP is T-mobile.
It doesn't look like T-Mobile provide free webspace, but there are plenty of good UK hosts that should work in a similar way (I guess geocities lets you upload using FTP). You'd need your own domain name to use many hosting companies though:

Actually. Tripod used to be a geocities competitor, and it looks like that is still going:

It might be worth reading up some more on that and see if it suits (it's free too).