E. T. Culling
Jim Buyens' FrontPage Inside/Out is the very best!
Carlos Arruda - Sales On-Line said:.... tell me how or indicate a good book to get me started with frontpage?
I just wanna to get forms working.
I am hosting my own webpage and i would a nice book as well on how to
install and administrate the frontpage extentions.
Carlos Arruda
P.S.: Sorry for any erros you may find, i am portuguese and i am still
learning english. Just been here (England) for the past 10 months, so i am
Carlos Arruda - Sales On-Line said:sorry mate but i have too in amazons,
a.. Microsoft FrontPage Version 2002 Inside Out -- Jim Buyens; Paperback
a.. Microsoft Office FrontPage 2003 Inside Out -- Jim Buyens; Paperback
wich one the better? Maybe its a dumb question but anyway......
a.. The 2003 is probably the best one? Yes?
a.. Cheers mate