Here is a possibility for you. Rather than using an input
box, in which the user has to type from the keyboard, I
use a shortcut menu which I think is nicer for the user -
just click the one you want!
Copy the following to a module and enter your three macro
names in the "OnAction" lines - GIVE THIS A TRY!:
Sub CaseShorcutMenu()
Dim cmdBars As CommandBars
Dim strMenuName As String
Dim intX As Integer
strMenuName = "TEMP"
Set cmdBars = Application.CommandBars
'Delete it if it already exists
For Each xBar In Application.CommandBars
If UCase(xBar.Name) = UCase(strMenuName) Then cmdBars
(strMenuName).Delete: Exit For
'Add a new one
cmdBars.Add Name:=strMenuName, Position:=msoBarPopup,
With CommandBars(strMenuName)
intX = intX + 1
.Controls.Add Type:=msoControlButton
.Controls(intX).Caption = "UPPER CASE"
.Controls(intX).OnAction = "YOUR_MACRO_NAME_1"
intX = intX + 1
.Controls.Add Type:=msoControlButton
.Controls(intX).Caption = "Proper Case"
.Controls(intX).OnAction = "YOUR_MACRO_NAME_2"
intX = intX + 1
.Controls.Add Type:=msoControlButton
.Controls(intX).Caption = "lower case"
.Controls(intX).OnAction = "YOUR_MACRO_NAME_3"
End With
End Sub
-----Original Message-----
I have 3 simple macros to convert text to Upper, Lower or Proper case
respectively. At present these are independant of each other. What i
would like to do is combine them into one macro where the user clicks
to run the macro and a box comes up asking the user which format they
want to convert the text into. The user would then select the format,
click OK and the text would be converted...
Sound easy? Not for me! Can anyone help please?
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