Transform the Parent-Child table into a Nested Set table (also add a common
root, zero, parent of A and parent of B).
All the parents, x, of a given node, y are then supplied by:
FROM myTable As y INNER JOIN myTable As z
ON z.lft BETWEEN y.lft AND y.rgt
WHERE z.ID = x
Clearly, to have the top most parent (except the root node itself, that is),
for each x node is then simply a matter of grouping appropriately:
SELECT z.ID As who, MIN(y.lft) As lftOfParent
FROM myTable As y INNER JOIN myTable As z
WHERE y.lft <> 1
That gives you the lft values for the top most parent for each node...well,
their unique lft value, at least. To get their ID rather than their lft,
make an inner join:
SELECT who, myTable.ID
FROM previousQuery INNER JOIN myTable
ON myTable.lft=previousQuery.lftOfParent
That's all.
OK, all that is nice, but how can you get the NestedSet table in the first
place? Well, here is some code that can help. Just call FromParentToNested
with four string arguments:
The name of NestedSetTable to produce
The name of the ParentChild table
The name of the Node (child) field
The name of the Parent field
The ParentChild table must have just one root, a root being either a child
with NULL as parent, either itself as parent.
In your case, think about something like:
child parent
0 0
A 0
B 0
Building a NestedSet table from a ParentChild table can be seen like
building an Index on a field: it takes some resources to build, but once
done, it makes some kind of queries much easier.
Hoping it may help,
Vanderghast, Access MVP
Option Compare Database
Option Explicit
Private Const MyName As String = "NestedSets"
Private Const errParentTable As String = "Parent Table in error."
Private Const errParentTableKey As String = "Specified 'node' field in
Parent Table has null and so can't be use for primary key."
Private Const errNoRoot As String = "The Parent table has no identifiable
root node; fix and submit again."
Private Const errNoUniqueRoot As String = "The Parent table has more than
one possible root; fix and submit again."
Private Const errCantCreate As String = "Cannot create the nested set table
Private Const errCantInsert As String = "Cannot insert the nodeID "
Private Const errUnknownParent As String = "At least one ParentID is unknown
as NodeID in the supplied table."
Private Const errUnusedRecords As String = "Not all the records from the
table have been used."
Private db As Database ' To avoid using CurrentDb each time
Private OpeningString As String ' string to open the recordset with all
Private InsertInto As String ' string to insert a record
Private Sub RaiseError(ByVal Desc As String, Optional ErrNumber As Long =
Err.Raise vbObjectError + ErrNumber, MyName, Desc
End Sub
Public Sub FromNestedToParent(ByVal NestedTable As String, _
ByVal ParentTableName As String, _
ByVal NodeFieldName As String, _
ByVal ParentFieldName As String)
Dim db As Database: Set db = CurrentDb
On Error Resume Next
db.Execute "DROP TABLE " & ParentTableName
db.Execute "SELECT c.NodeID as " & NodeFieldName & _
", p.NodeID As " & ParentFieldName & _
" INTO " & ParentTableName & _
" FROM " & NestedTable & " AS c LEFT JOIN " & NestedTable & " AS p "
& _
" ON (c.lft BETWEEN p.lft AND p.rgt) AND c.lvl = p.lvl+1 ",
If 0 <> Err.Number Then
RaiseError Err.Description, Err.Number
End If
Debug.Assert 0 = Err.Number
End Sub
Public Sub FromParentToNested(ByVal ParentTable As String, _
ByVal NodeID As String, _
ByVal ParentID As String, _
ByVal NestedSet As String)
Dim nCount As Long
' Check if the table exists, and if the fields NodeID and ParentID exist
On Error Resume Next
DCount "*", ParentTable, NodeID & "=" & ParentID
If 0 <> Err.Number Then
RaiseError errParentTable
Exit Sub
End If
' Check if there are NULL under the nodeID
If 0 <> DCount("*", ParentTable, NodeID & " IS NULL") Then
RaiseError errParentTableKey
Exit Sub
End If
Set db = CurrentDb
If 0 <> db.OpenRecordset("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM (SELECT * FROM " &
ParentTable & " AS a LEFT JOIN " & _
ParentTable & " AS b ON a." & ParentID & "= b." & NodeID & _
" WHERE (NOT a." & ParentID & " IS NULL) AND b." & NodeID & " IS
NULL)").Fields(0).Value Then
RaiseError errUnknownParent
Exit Sub
End If
' Create the nested set table. Its three fields are NodeID, lft and rgt.
db.Execute "DROP TABLE " & NestedSet: Err.Clear
' We tried to drop a table, maybe it was not there... not important...
db.Execute "CREATE TABLE " & NestedSet & _
" lvl LONG NOT NULL ); "
'In theory, we can compute the level, lvl, with a query, but there
' nothing wrong in storing it in the table too.
If 0 <> Err.Number Then
RaiseError errCantCreate & Err.Description & ")."
Exit Sub
End If
' Find the root, the node with a Null as ParentID, or the one with
Dim root As Long
Select Case DCount("*", ParentTable, NodeID & "=" & ParentID)
Case 0
' There is no node where NodeID=ParentID... look for a Parent Is
Select Case DCount("*", ParentTable, ParentID & " IS Null")
Case 0
' There is no node where Parent Is Null, ... error...
RaiseError errNoRoot
Exit Sub
Case 1
' there is just one such node, perfect...
root = DLookup(NodeID, ParentTable, ParentID & " IS NULL")
Case Else
' there is more than one node with a parent Is Null... what to
RaiseError errNoUniqueRoot
Exit Sub
End Select
Case 1
' There is just one node where parentID=NodeID... what about
' a node with a NULL parent???
If 0 <> DCount("*", ParentTable, ParentID & " Is Null") Then
RaiseError errNoUniqueRoot
Exit Sub
End If
root = DLookup(NodeID, ParentTable, ParentID & "=" & NodeID)
Case Else
' We have more than one node with ParentID=NodeID, someone has to
fix it...
RaiseError errNoUniqueRoot
Exit Sub
End Select
If 0 <> Err.Number Then
RaiseError errCantInsert & root
Exit Sub
End If
' Prepare the recursion
InsertInto = "INSERT INTO " & NestedSet & "(NodeID, lft, rgt, lvl)
OpeningString = "SELECT " & NodeID & " FROM " & ParentTable & " WHERE "
& ParentID & "="
Dim counting As Long
counting = 2
'Make some nasty recursion about calling for each of the children
CallChildren root, counting, 2
' Append the root...
db.Execute InsertInto & root & ", 1, " & counting & ", 1 ); "
'Job is done... we can alter the rgt field so it doesn't accept NULLs
' but that is not 'strictly' required...
db.Execute "CREATE INDEX level ON " & NestedSet & "(lvl)"
If counting <> 2 * DCount("*", ParentTable) Then
RaiseError errUnusedRecords
Exit Sub
End If
If 0 <> Err.Number Then
RaiseError Err.Description, Err.Number
Exit Sub
End If
End Sub
Private Sub CallChildren(ByVal ParentNodeID As Long, ByRef counting As Long,
ByVal level As Long)
Dim rst As DAO.Recordset
Dim opening As Long ' the current worm counter, the lft value
' for a given node
On Error Resume Next
' Open a recordset will al the children of the given parent...
Set rst = db.OpenRecordset(OpeningString & ParentNodeID,
dbOpenForwardOnly, dbReadOnly)
' For each, remember the lft, call the children, then having the rgt
value, insert the record.
Do Until rst.EOF
opening = counting ' get a copy, that is our rgt value.
' we can't insert the whole record,now, since we ignore the rgt
' We need to increase the running worm counter...
counting = counting + 1
CallChildren rst.Fields(0).Value, counting, level + 1 ' recursive
call on all the actual children
db.Execute InsertInto & rst.Fields(0).Value & ", " & opening & ", "
& counting & ", " & level & ") ;"
' Increase the running worm counter
counting = counting + 1
Debug.Assert 0 = Err.Number
End Sub