Keith (Southend)G
Probably a big ask...
Quite a while ago I started looking at Visual Basics to see if I could write something that would save me much time each day in gathering synops. Unfortunately, I didn't get very far and circumstances with having to start my own business just took over. I don't know whether this is simple to someonewith a better understanding of these these things, but what I was trying to do is this:
From the following site each day, and I'll take 24th Novemeber as an example, I set the parameters as follows:
Select a Country or Territory, starting with 'Afghanistan' - format - text
Begin: 2012 - November - 23rd - 15 hours (Start)
End: 2012 - November - 24th - 14 hours (End)
I then repeat this for about 50 different Countries, which takes me about 10 minutes to do. I then save this as text file and then merge them in with the usual hour synop files from Dupage or FSU etc...
If I had some stand alone interface where I could select any number of Countries, the date/time parameters and one click downloads them into one text file simutaneously, that would be a dream for me.
Any takers ?
Keith (Southend) (e-mail address removed)
"Weather Home & Abroad"
Quite a while ago I started looking at Visual Basics to see if I could write something that would save me much time each day in gathering synops. Unfortunately, I didn't get very far and circumstances with having to start my own business just took over. I don't know whether this is simple to someonewith a better understanding of these these things, but what I was trying to do is this:
From the following site each day, and I'll take 24th Novemeber as an example, I set the parameters as follows:
Select a Country or Territory, starting with 'Afghanistan' - format - text
Begin: 2012 - November - 23rd - 15 hours (Start)
End: 2012 - November - 24th - 14 hours (End)
I then repeat this for about 50 different Countries, which takes me about 10 minutes to do. I then save this as text file and then merge them in with the usual hour synop files from Dupage or FSU etc...
If I had some stand alone interface where I could select any number of Countries, the date/time parameters and one click downloads them into one text file simutaneously, that would be a dream for me.
Any takers ?
Keith (Southend) (e-mail address removed)
"Weather Home & Abroad"