Never thought of it when I bought it, but I've been playing with some
image stitching software and got to thinking about printing out some of
the results to see how they'd look. The trouble is, IF it can, do you
need to use "roll" paper? How does it load?
Been googling a bit on this, somewhere I read that you can print to a
max of 44" long by 8.? wide, so would you pre-cut the paper?
Anyone here tried this?
image stitching software and got to thinking about printing out some of
the results to see how they'd look. The trouble is, IF it can, do you
need to use "roll" paper? How does it load?
Been googling a bit on this, somewhere I read that you can print to a
max of 44" long by 8.? wide, so would you pre-cut the paper?
Anyone here tried this?