Previously wj59 said:
Using Norton Ghost 9.0, I just copied my hard drive C: to my second
hard drive E:
I was wondering if it is possible for a virus to attack both drives at
the same time or jump from drive C: to drive E:
I am running Norton Internet Security 2003
A virus can attack any executable on any reachable, writable drive,
including drives mounted over the network. Non-executable files
can also be attacked, but this makes less sense. Still some
non-executable files may contain executable contents, such
as word-macros or PostScrip instructions. These are only a risk
if the application used to work on these files is insecure.
A virus can "jump" only when it is started first. Then it just
can infect anything writable anywhere. How excatly a virus
is started depends on the virus.
I don't know how good your security product is. If it includes
a virus-scanner, then get the latest signatures and check all
drives. Old virus signatures are not worth much since so many
variants of virii are created all the time.