Maury said:
I have a form that I'd like to display a number of subforms inside of
using a tab control. However the form is to be displayed in a window
that can be resized, and the tab control would have to be able to
resize with it. Is there any way to do this?
First realize that even when you don't have a TabControl that resizing a
form's window does not resize the form at all, only the window housing the
form changes. So first you would have to master the code to make the form
sections change size as you resize the window. Once you have that then you
can add code to resize or move objects that reside within those form
As you make the window larger your code has to resize the form sections
FIRST and then move or resize objects within the sections.
As you make the window smaller you have to reverse that order and first must
resize or move the objects on the form sections and then make the form
sections smaller.
As you can imagine if the user makes the window taller while simultaneously
making it narrower or if they make it wider while simultaneously making it
shorter, then the logic can get a bit complicated.
As for TabControls you have a similar set of rules. Before you can move or
resize objects on the TabControl when the window is made larger you first
have to make the TabControl larger and then reverse that order when the
window is made smaller.
I suggest breaking this up into discrete tasks that you tackle one at a