Can a query open a form?

  • Thread starter Thread starter Peggy
  • Start date Start date


I have busted my butt to get my form just perfect. I am
sooooo happy with it. Comboboxes, subform, calculations.
My customers are divided up into the four weeks of the
month. I call this Service Week. Can I EASILY make a query
that would open the forms of all customers for a given
Let me say that the form is where I enter the customer
data like Name, address, service week, etc. Plus a sub
form that shows accounting.
Hi Peggy

if i'm understanding you correctly i'ld approach it the other way round
1) create a parameter query that extracts the customers for the selected
2 create a form based on the paramter query - to display the information
about whatever customers you want to see

now when you open the form, it should ask you which week and then display
those customers for you - you could even build a "select a week" form to
feed the value into the parameter query.

hope this helps
Very helpful. I am working on it. One glitch. I had a
combobox that looked up the customers in on the forms
which allowed me to select a customer then go to that
customers form. Now the combobox wizard doesn't work. I
understand why but don't know what to do about it.
hi peggy

which doesn't work - the combo box wizard to create a new combo box or the
combo box that you have on the form that allows you to choose a customer?

if you have a "Select Customers" form - which has a combo box on it, and
when they select a customer and press Ok it opens the "Customer Information"

and you ALSO want to implement a "Select Weeks" form, which has another
combo box on it and then when they select the week and press OK it opens the
"Customer Information" Form and shows all the customers from that week

then the easy way to do it is to have two Customer Information forms - with
different record sources - your existing on which picks up from the Select
Customers form and a new one which has the query as its source.

you can do this with one form ... but having two forms is an "ok" way to go
and you can also make them a bit different so that your users know if
they're in the weeks one or in the individual customers one.

if however, you would like to achieve this with one form, please post back

Here is how I got around it. On my customer form I put a
combobox that allows me to select customers by last name,
ordered by last name. Then I put a second combobox that
allows mw to select a customer based on service week,
ordered by service week. Maybe kind of a Newbie solution
but it works for me. Thanks for you help.