Can this post be please answered ideally by someone from a Micorosoft MVP
and ideally by someone from Hotmail.
If you look over the past few days you will see my post and the many
comments attached to it.
The question is why do .mdb attachments fail to be carried by many email
systems even Hotmail.
Could someone please comment as all I am trying to do is to share some tools
I have developed at University while on a course with some fellow students.
Surely would the better plan be to allow all attachments that were declared
safe and clean by the system virus checker to pass and only reject virus
checker failures.
The Microsoft Access being used is fully licensed and the virus checker
being is used is bang up to date.
Microsoft has a dedicated user community many who are simply trying to work,
study or have some genuine fun.
Why have the minority loonies (who proliferate viruses) of the world to win
by everyone being denied the privilege of attachments?
Can this post be please answered ideally by someone from a Micorosoft MVP
and ideally by someone from Hotmail.
If you look over the past few days you will see my post and the many
comments attached to it.
The question is why do .mdb attachments fail to be carried by many email
systems even Hotmail.
Could someone please comment as all I am trying to do is to share some tools
I have developed at University while on a course with some fellow students.
Surely would the better plan be to allow all attachments that were declared
safe and clean by the system virus checker to pass and only reject virus
checker failures.
The Microsoft Access being used is fully licensed and the virus checker
being is used is bang up to date.
Microsoft has a dedicated user community many who are simply trying to work,
study or have some genuine fun.
Why have the minority loonies (who proliferate viruses) of the world to win
by everyone being denied the privilege of attachments?