I've had problems getting to a confirmation page from my feedback form.
Half the time it works and half the time it doesn't. It occurs to me that
failures only seem to happen at home (again, about half the time). When I
access the form from work, I've not had a problem getting the confirmation
page. I've also had mixed results using the laptop on my home network (which
my desktop is alos on). Could something involving my home network be causing
a problem?
BTW, my form is located at momsofomaha/siteforms/feedback.htm
I've had problems getting to a confirmation page from my feedback form.
Half the time it works and half the time it doesn't. It occurs to me that
failures only seem to happen at home (again, about half the time). When I
access the form from work, I've not had a problem getting the confirmation
page. I've also had mixed results using the laptop on my home network (which
my desktop is alos on). Could something involving my home network be causing
a problem?
BTW, my form is located at momsofomaha/siteforms/feedback.htm