Hi Gina,
Yes, I've got 2 separate tables: one of them is carrying individual names,
with a lookup column with the retiring home if they are residing at a
retiring home. The other table is carrying addresses. To avoid typo error, I
have created 2 separate tables, since some of the individuals are staying at
the same place, eg. a retiring home. From there, I have created a form to
put/ show things together, so that when I look up for a retiring home, I can
see right away who is/are living there. And now, I'd like to mail merge the
names and the address to a Word document. Let's say, if I am sending an
invitation letter to the individuals, I'd like to do a mail merge for the
records. It would be even nicer if I can do a mail merge for some of them who
live in the same retiring home, receive one letter addressing to them at the
same time.
Since a form can't be mail merged to a Word document, it seems that I have
to work on the coding. When I click onto the far right button at "On Current"
under tha Event tab at the Property Sheet, it goes straight to Microsoft
Visual Basic. I have no experience over there in working with the Modules.
I'm stuck. Thanks Gina for your help.