Lee Harris
It will be a few days before I can get a new one in, and unless it's
something else causing it, my PC seems to be lagging a lot since I started
getting the Warning! System battery voltage is too low warning. I thought it
would just be a risk for your BIOS settings getting lost, but
a) can this have an effect on my system when booted to Windows
b) what happens if the battery goes completely dead - will it still boot,
and just use the bIOS defaults?
something else causing it, my PC seems to be lagging a lot since I started
getting the Warning! System battery voltage is too low warning. I thought it
would just be a risk for your BIOS settings getting lost, but
a) can this have an effect on my system when booted to Windows
b) what happens if the battery goes completely dead - will it still boot,
and just use the bIOS defaults?