Me: C2D E4300, Abit QuadGT, Zalman 9700
Cousin: C2D E6600, Asus Commando, Tuniq Tower
Basically, I'm trying to settle an arguement. My cousin has a C2D
E6600, he messed up the BIOS flash and sent off the motherboard for
replacement (Asus Commando).
In the meantime, I bought an E4300, mobo, RAM and Zalman 9700.
Suffice to say my system didn't boot so in the process of
troubleshooting, I tried HIS E6600 in my mobo (Abit QuadGT) with my
Zalman (it didn't work). Now the Zalman when seated on my E4300,
woudn't make full physical contact (I blame the motherboard). Same
thing happened with E6600. But we thought it should be OK for
troubleshooting. We only had the E6600 with Zalman in my CPU for no
more than 5 seconds, more like 3 or 4.
My cousin got his replacement Asus Commando back and now can't reach
as high overlcocking speeds as it did (fails on 333 FSB). Is it my
1. My cousin claims a CPU can still partially work if it blows a few
transistors. I think this is nonsense, a CPU is a precision
microscopic instrument, not a wooden cog that will work half-assed for
a while. My thinking is if my motherboard and Zalman damaged the CPU
then it shouldn't work at all. The fact that his CPU won't OC as much
as before is due to the intermittent nature of the compatiblity
between CPUs and motherboards, basically he just got unlucky with his
replacement. Who's right?
2. If I were to run a C2D E6600 CPU without a properly seated
heatsink, would it REALLY burn out in less than 5 seconds? Surely it
woudn't reach 70+ degrees celsius in less than 5 seconds?!?!
Cousin: C2D E6600, Asus Commando, Tuniq Tower
Basically, I'm trying to settle an arguement. My cousin has a C2D
E6600, he messed up the BIOS flash and sent off the motherboard for
replacement (Asus Commando).
In the meantime, I bought an E4300, mobo, RAM and Zalman 9700.
Suffice to say my system didn't boot so in the process of
troubleshooting, I tried HIS E6600 in my mobo (Abit QuadGT) with my
Zalman (it didn't work). Now the Zalman when seated on my E4300,
woudn't make full physical contact (I blame the motherboard). Same
thing happened with E6600. But we thought it should be OK for
troubleshooting. We only had the E6600 with Zalman in my CPU for no
more than 5 seconds, more like 3 or 4.
My cousin got his replacement Asus Commando back and now can't reach
as high overlcocking speeds as it did (fails on 333 FSB). Is it my
1. My cousin claims a CPU can still partially work if it blows a few
transistors. I think this is nonsense, a CPU is a precision
microscopic instrument, not a wooden cog that will work half-assed for
a while. My thinking is if my motherboard and Zalman damaged the CPU
then it shouldn't work at all. The fact that his CPU won't OC as much
as before is due to the intermittent nature of the compatiblity
between CPUs and motherboards, basically he just got unlucky with his
replacement. Who's right?
2. If I were to run a C2D E6600 CPU without a properly seated
heatsink, would it REALLY burn out in less than 5 seconds? Surely it
woudn't reach 70+ degrees celsius in less than 5 seconds?!?!