Can a constructor deserialize to itself?

  • Thread starter Thread starter Stephen Travis
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Stephen Travis

I would like an Object's Constructor to create itself by deserializing from XML. Is there an easy way to do this?

I could use a separate function to deserialize to an object but I'd like to do it in the Constructor. Here's an example of what I

Private Sub Page_Load()
' Sample XML:
' <?xml version=""1.0"" encoding=""UTF-8""?>
' <ObjectType>
' <SomeValue>Hello.</SomeValue>
' </ObjectType>

Dim NewObject As ObjectType = New ObjectType("<?xml version=""1.0""

End Sub

Public Class ObjectType
Public SomeValue As System.String

Public Sub New(ByVal xml As System.String)
Dim r As New System.IO.StringReader(xml)
Dim d As New System.XML.Serialization.XmlSerializer(GetType(ObjectType))
' this works but is not very elegant since every property must be set manually.
Dim NewMe As New ObjectType
NewMe = d.Deserialize(r)
Me.SomeValue = NewMe.SomeValue

' this doesn't work but it's what I'm looking for.
Me = d.Deserialize(r)
End Sub

Public Sub New()
End Sub

End Class
By the time the constructor runs the object's memory is already created, so
no the constructor cannot deserialize itself.

I would recommend you add a Shared method to the class that does the
deserialization for you..

Something like:
Dim NewObject As ObjectType = ObjectType.FromXml("<?xml version=""1.0""
Public Class ObjectType
Public SomeValue As System.String

Public Shared Sub FromXml(ByVal xml As System.String) As ObjectType
Dim r As New System.IO.StringReader(xml)
Dim d As New

I would then consider adding a "matching" "serialize" method to the class

Public Function ToXml() As String
Dim d as XmlSerializer(...)

Hope this helps

Stephen Travis said:
I would like an Object's Constructor to create itself by deserializing
from XML. Is there an easy way to do this?
I could use a separate function to deserialize to an object but I'd like
to do it in the Constructor. Here's an example of what I