I'm trying to write the following formula into a cell and keep gettin
the runtime error 1004
Worksheets("Part list").Cells(lgPartListRow
Range("Type").Column).Formula =
"=IF(MID(" & sFindPart & ",5,1)=" & Chr(34) & "W" & Chr(34) & ","
Chr(34) & "F" & Chr(34) & ",MID(" & sFindPart & ",5,1))"
sFind part is a string containing a part # like 2201F060-51
the Mid function works when using the watch windo
the runtime error 1004
Worksheets("Part list").Cells(lgPartListRow
Range("Type").Column).Formula =
"=IF(MID(" & sFindPart & ",5,1)=" & Chr(34) & "W" & Chr(34) & ","
Chr(34) & "F" & Chr(34) & ",MID(" & sFindPart & ",5,1))"
sFind part is a string containing a part # like 2201F060-51
the Mid function works when using the watch windo