It seems that many posts in here have to do with the
camera wizard not showing up. I my case the wizard worked
2 weeks ago. I did a full hard drive format and fresh
install of windows. This week when I went to download
some photos it took me straight into Photoshop without
giving me any options to select another program. I
Finally uninstalled photoshop to force WindowsXP to ask
me what I wanted to do thinking maybe photoshop was
overriding the Camera Wizard. Now the camera and windoes
XP does nothing. It is recognised, it is in device
manager, but it does not have anywhere to put pictures.
If I go into control panel for the camera and scanners
icon and check the property of my camera it has field for
you to slecet what program I want to use with the camera
and there is nothing to choose from. If I install
photoshop, then photoshop shows up as a selection and
nothing else.
What is goin on? Everything worked just fine and now it
camera wizard not showing up. I my case the wizard worked
2 weeks ago. I did a full hard drive format and fresh
install of windows. This week when I went to download
some photos it took me straight into Photoshop without
giving me any options to select another program. I
Finally uninstalled photoshop to force WindowsXP to ask
me what I wanted to do thinking maybe photoshop was
overriding the Camera Wizard. Now the camera and windoes
XP does nothing. It is recognised, it is in device
manager, but it does not have anywhere to put pictures.
If I go into control panel for the camera and scanners
icon and check the property of my camera it has field for
you to slecet what program I want to use with the camera
and there is nothing to choose from. If I install
photoshop, then photoshop shows up as a selection and
nothing else.
What is goin on? Everything worked just fine and now it