Camera Problems

May 18, 2004
Reaction score
Anyone able to tell me why my D50 is taking photo's like this? :(

ISO set at minimum so thats not the problem.

That's a cracker ... got me stumped. Looks like the camera is having a problem with one colour/shade?

Are ALL pics showing the same problem?

It does look like the ISO is way too high, but, the rest of the pic is fine. :confused:

As these things use a "processor" these days I would be taking it (the camera) to my local shop for a test. My "local" is not Jessops. ;)

I'd like to see the EXIF info.

I can't answer, but your cat looks like a twin of mine....CAt that is,not me having a twin that resembles a ginger cat...:p
muckshifter said:
That's a cracker ... got me stumped. Looks like the camera is having a problem with one colour/shade?

Are ALL pics showing the same problem?

It does look like the ISO is way too high, but, the rest of the pic is fine. :confused:

As these things use a "processor" these days I would be taking it (the camera) to my local shop for a test. My "local" is not Jessops. ;)

I'd like to see the EXIF info.


Most pics - yeah. Here's another... with the EXIF below.

P.s. Madx - he's not my cat! he just comes to visit... no idea where he's from or what his name is!


Filename : DSC_4875.JPG
JFIF_APP1 : Exif
Main Information
Model : NIKON D50
Orientation : left-hand side
XResolution : 300/1
YResolution : 300/1
ResolutionUnit : Inch
Software : Ver.1.00
DateTime : 2009:07:11 19:08:00
YCbCrPositioning : co-sited
ExifInfoOffset : 216
Sub Information
ExposureTime : 1/500Sec
FNumber : F4.5
ExposureProgram : Unknown (0)
ExifVersion : 0221
DateTimeOriginal : 2009:07:11 19:08:00
DateTimeDigitized : 2009:07:11 19:08:00
ComponentConfiguration : YCbCr
CompressedBitsPerPixel : 4/1 (bit/pixel)
ExposureBiasValue : EV0.0
MaxApertureValue : F4.4
MeteringMode : Division
LightSource : Unidentified
Flash : Not fired(Compulsory)
FocalLength : 70.00(mm)
MakerNote : Nikon COOLPIX Format : 29538Bytes (Offset:848)
UserComment : xx xxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxx
SubSecTime : 70
SubSecTimeOriginal : 70
SubSecTimeDigitized : 70
FlashPixVersion : 0100
ColorSpace : sRGB
ExifImageWidth : 2256
ExifImageHeight : 1496
ExifInteroperabilityOffset : 30378
SensingMethod : OneChipColorArea sensor
FileSource : DSC
SceneType : A directly photographed image
CFAPattern : 8 Bytes
CustomRendered : Normal process
ExposureMode : Auto
WhiteBalance : Auto
DigitalZoomRatio : 1/1
FocalLength(35mm) : 105(mm)
SceneCaptureType : Standard
GainControl : None
Contrast : Normal
Saturation : Normal
Sharpness : Hard
SubjectDistanceRange : Unknown
ExifR : R98
Version : 0100
Thumbnail Information
Compression : OLDJPEG
XResolution : 300/1
YResolution : 300/1
ResolutionUnit : Inch
JPEGInterchangeFormat : 30516
JPEGInterchangeFormatLength : 8581
YCbCrPositioning : co-sited
christopherpostill said:
P.s. Madx - he's not my cat! he just comes to visit... no idea where he's from or what his name is!

My cat is called "Charlie the stray cat" we don't know where he comes from either, he is a bit of a gypsy cat, moves between mine and the neighbours.....Awesome pic though Chris...
And another (see the back of the co-pilots seat - really annoying)


Filename : DSC_4530.JPG
JFIF_APP1 : Exif
Main Information
Model : NIKON D50
Orientation : left-hand side
XResolution : 300/1
YResolution : 300/1
ResolutionUnit : Inch
Software : Ver.1.00
DateTime : 2009:07:05 17:22:27
YCbCrPositioning : co-sited
ExifInfoOffset : 216
Sub Information
ExposureTime : 1/640Sec
FNumber : F3.5
ExposureProgram : Unknown (0)
ExifVersion : 0221
DateTimeOriginal : 2009:07:05 17:22:27
DateTimeDigitized : 2009:07:05 17:22:27
ComponentConfiguration : YCbCr
CompressedBitsPerPixel : 4/1 (bit/pixel)
ExposureBiasValue : EV0.0
MaxApertureValue : F3.5
MeteringMode : Division
LightSource : Unidentified
Flash : Not fired(Compulsory)
FocalLength : 18.00(mm)
MakerNote : Nikon COOLPIX Format : 22600Bytes (Offset:848)
UserComment : (C)
SubSecTime : 30
SubSecTimeOriginal : 30
SubSecTimeDigitized : 30
FlashPixVersion : 0100
ColorSpace : sRGB
ExifImageWidth : 2256
ExifImageHeight : 1496
ExifInteroperabilityOffset : 23440
SensingMethod : OneChipColorArea sensor
FileSource : DSC
SceneType : A directly photographed image
CFAPattern : 8 Bytes
CustomRendered : Normal process
ExposureMode : Auto
WhiteBalance : Auto
DigitalZoomRatio : 1/1
FocalLength(35mm) : 27(mm)
SceneCaptureType : Standard
GainControl : None
Contrast : Soft
Saturation : Normal
Sharpness : Hard
SubjectDistanceRange : Unknown
ExifR : R98
Version : 0100
Thumbnail Information
Compression : OLDJPEG
XResolution : 300/1
YResolution : 300/1
ResolutionUnit : Inch
JPEGInterchangeFormat : 23580
JPEGInterchangeFormatLength : 8405
YCbCrPositioning : co-sited
I "see" nothing wrong now I downloaded the pics and viewed them at a decent resolution.

They are too big for the forum & screen I have, and naturally the likes of Picasa render them perfectly, as the camera took them, as long as I don't go viewing at 100% crop as you have here. ;)

I only shoot RAW and post-format me pics for view, you can see what I mean by looking at me Picasa site.

The cat only pic is quite good but I would have focused on the eye. ;)

If you want a second more rich opinion, go to a dedicated camera forum, they will stear you a little better then me.

Hmm... i'm sure somethings not right. Perhaps these pics arent the best examples, but there is definately excessive noise on shades of red it would seem...

Have asked on the forum you linked to :) will see what they say - maybe it is just me... who knows!!!!

Cheers :)
muckshifter said:
The cat only pic is quite good but I would have focused on the eye. ;)

Ta :) That would have been good, but I took the photo "blind" - he wouldnt stay still so I just shoved the camera in his faced and hoped the pic would be alright!
Pics looked ok to me. The first shot looked as though it needed a bit more light for the dark areas but seemed to be fine for the part that was in sunlight, it was a difficult shot to get perfect from a single snap.
The plane pics have some blueness on the seat belt etc, a filter would probably have given you a better shot.
Looked good to me though.

[font=arial,helvetica]"The D50's image quality was excellent. Its exposure and autofocus system complemented each other, producing sharp, well-exposed images. The 5-point AF system is fast and accurate, and its predictive focus tracking is able to keep up with moving subjects. Image noise was not an issue with the D50. At ISO 200 and 400 noise was essentially absent. Shadow noise is detectable in images captured at ISO 800, and noticeable at ISO 1600, but highlight noise is remarkably low even at ISO 1600. The quality of the D50's images at high sensitivity settings will be a compelling benefit to photographers upgrading from consumer digicams. [/font]

[font=arial,helvetica]I did notice a slight amount of moiré, a visible pattern that occurs when one or more halftone screens are misregistered in a color image, in images of a seersucker fabric. Nikon Capture 4 has a Color Moiré Reduction tool that is fairly effective at reducing, but not eliminating, moiré; it can only be used on NEF images, however. I can also recommend Fred Miranda's Moiré Reducer Photoshop Action; it costs only $12 and works on JPEG images."[/font]


[font=arial,helvetica]Haven't a clue what hes saying here but it may help you. Also earlier he mentions something about having to re-set settings as something to watch out for.[/font]

[font=arial,helvetica]Much too techy for me.[/font]


Abarbarian said:
Pics looked ok to me. The first shot looked as though it needed a bit more light for the dark areas but seemed to be fine for the part that was in sunlight, it was a difficult shot to get perfect from a single snap.
The plane pics have some blueness on the seat belt etc, a filter would probably have given you a better shot.
Looked good to me though.

[font=arial,helvetica]"The D50's image quality was excellent. Its exposure and autofocus system complemented each other, producing sharp, well-exposed images. The 5-point AF system is fast and accurate, and its predictive focus tracking is able to keep up with moving subjects. Image noise was not an issue with the D50. At ISO 200 and 400 noise was essentially absent. Shadow noise is detectable in images captured at ISO 800, and noticeable at ISO 1600, but highlight noise is remarkably low even at ISO 1600. The quality of the D50's images at high sensitivity settings will be a compelling benefit to photographers upgrading from consumer digicams. [/font]

[font=arial,helvetica]I did notice a slight amount of moiré, a visible pattern that occurs when one or more halftone screens are misregistered in a color image, in images of a seersucker fabric. Nikon Capture 4 has a Color Moiré Reduction tool that is fairly effective at reducing, but not eliminating, moiré; it can only be used on NEF images, however. I can also recommend Fred Miranda's Moiré Reducer Photoshop Action; it costs only $12 and works on JPEG images."[/font]


[font=arial,helvetica]Haven't a clue what hes saying here but it may help you. Also earlier he mentions something about having to re-set settings as something to watch out for.[/font]

[font=arial,helvetica]Much too techy for me.[/font]



Interesting stuff - i'll have to look into that. Thanks!