cam doesn't work? "You cannon change cam settings...?"

  • Thread starter Thread starter Bruce
  • Start date Start date


I have msn mng, version 7
I have an intel camera, when I go through the wizard things are fine.
When I click web cam settings , it says You cannot change your camera
settins because either your camera is not plugged in to your computer or you
are using it in a video conversation or another program?

When I try and start it with someone, I get the same message, though in the
wizard it shows fine. Yahoo works also.

Under camera selection it shows nothing at the bottom, shows ok in the
Hi Bruce,

Which Intel Camera is this and which version of 7 are you using (click Help>About) if you're
not sure.

Some early builds (beta) of 7 had issues with some Intel cameras, but this was corrected. As
well, some older Intel drivers won't work (visit for the
latest revision).
Jonathan Kay
Microsoft MVP - Windows Messenger/MSN Messenger
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