Calll of Duty 2 Review


Jan 31, 2005
Reaction score
Just been checking this out, its a few days old so maybe you guys already seen it, but i just cant wait....

Now i wonder if i can buy and complete Quake 4 before this comes out......?

Wow, it rates pretty highly! I tried the demo, but it was very similar to the first one - however it would be rude not to get it if it is that good :)
Glad you approve :D I might pick this one up when my work quietens down then :)
I'vde now finished the Russian section, just about polished off the British portion, and unlocked the first American missions, and I'm absolutely loving this! Yes it's just more of the same with fancier graphics (the smoke effects are absolutely tremendous!), and the tank missions may be a bit of a weak point, but it's a beauty to play.
Mines on pre order from Amazon, It should turn up just as i am going away for the w/e! :rolleyes:
This game rocks! :)

I've been on it for the last three hours now.

There are lots of different things, they're just subtle.

I've tried multiplayer, I'm a bit rubbish so far, I'll have to get used to the maps and how the weapons handle.

My favourite, the Thompson, now has a shorter clip and is about as much use as a pop gun. From the little I've played so far I'm favouring the German weapons.
This games awsome. Been playing it for a bit earlier and gonna play again soon.

The graphics are great, gameplays fantastic.

If your pc and handle it, get it! You will not be disapointed!!


Although i did have to quit F@H. Because it would minimise to the desktop with it running in the background.
btw, if you see somebody named Slippery online, that be me, so say hello :)

Yep, that be me, the one doing not very good at all at the moment ;)
I havent play either call of duties, shame on me?
never really cared much for them or havent really bothered.
Got this game on sunday and havent been able to stop playing it.

Its a amazing game, and its the small things that make that happan. For example in the Russian missions you can see peoples breath in the cold. Also what your other team mates say actually help you.

Anyway brilliant game, get it!
Is the finished product easier to run than the Demo? I found the demo WAY too intensive for what it is. Obviously it looks fantastic, but you expect reasonable performance with a 6800gt.

The Demo looked fuzzy in anything less than 1152x864, although I needed it that low for a decent FPS. I found I actually prefered the graphics in the original! At least that way I could play in a sharp 1600x1280 with a shedload of Antriscoping filtering and Antialiasing and still get a smooth 100fps.
Just finished my second run through of this, and roughly a third of the way through my write up. It does start absolutely brilliantly, and the initial few missions are a real high point. Low points have to be the British tank based missions, which just seemed completely un-necessary, and the later stages of the American section which felt way too much like a hard slog on the higher difficulty modes.

But, though it's basically more of the same, with admittedly absolutely gorgeous looks with everything ramped up to full, it's a sheer delight to play. They just better not try and make a third without some kind of fresh innovation though.
I'm almost at the end of the British Mission now and I have to say I absolutely loved the tank missions.

The Tank levels: Simplistic? Yes. Clever? No. Fun? A most definite yes.

As far as I'm concerned they can make another one just like this with different scenarios.

There have been 101 subtle improvemnets to the game which may go un-noticed by some but each and every one of them adds to a very immersive atmosphere.

In short, it's fun. Possibly the best game ever, may I be so bold? ;)

Only criticism I may have is the British accents, makes me cringe sometimes, but they're getting better.

No doubt in a few months time there will be an expansion pack.

It'll be more of the same but until some developer or other comes up with something superior, something really innovative, this will do just fine.

I've recently been playing Quake 4 & Serious Sam 2 as well. CoD 2 knocks them both into a cocked hat.

My opinion, and my opinion alone. All I'll say is that I'm enjoying this thing :)
I just finished the british and half way through the USA missions, if i remember correctly.

And i too love it... But my girlfriend dont love me anymore! ;)

I never did get round to getting Quake 4 but going by what flops just said, i will probably not bother....

Cant wait for a expansion pack for it

IMO the tank missions were alright, not great, not bad. Just different to the normal running from cover to cover shooting at germans! :D

I would reccomend it to all. :thumb:
Im tempted to get this, seeing as the new Elderscrolls game has been delayed until early 2006.

But why, oh why, has it only been given a score of around 85% in most publications?

I'd expect a score a little higher... is it just too much like the old one? Wouldn't be bad thing...
tomsega said:
Im tempted to get this, seeing as the new Elderscrolls game has been delayed until early 2006.

But why, oh why, has it only been given a score of around 85% in most publications?

I'd expect a score a little higher... is it just too much like the old one? Wouldn't be bad thing...

I guess there's so much competition in that genre, a developed would be hard-pushed to come up with something completely new :rolleyes:

However, I still think it will be worth a go ;)
dx7 doesn't help - just makes it crash :(

wont be able to play any new games till christmas